
ahhhhhh summer!

Well since today for me is officially the end of summmer cause i go back to school tonight.  Before i came home from school i was asking myself what my summer was really goin to be like, wondering if its goin to be fun and intresting or boring and….well boring. and in conclusion my summer came to an end in a good way. This summer i was able to play basketball and workout which i never got to during the year cause i tore my miniscus  in the begining of the season which SUCKED…so having that back in my life was kind of refreshing and as chessy as it sounds made me  fall back in love with it. Speaking of love i was able to find some someone in my life which im pretty sure everyone who skims through my blog already know but im not afraid to say i love her>>>>Caryll Jones<<<<. My summer was filled with headaches, Sadness, love, tears but  most of all laughter  and if i can anything back i wouldnt cause i can honetly say i had a great summer and i can only imagine how next summer is goin to be..CAN ANYBODY SAY MIAM!!????? no really who wants to go?? LOL but i had a great summer and im ready to kick off the school year right with no problems, injuries , drama and contiune the road on becoming more intune with myself and finding happiness…. ohhhhhh and i got my pippens wahhooooooooo!!!! but now back to the regular schedule blog of SUPERFUTURE>>>( IT RINGS WHEN OU SAY IT IN A STAR WARS SOUNDTRACK WAYISH 🙂 )


You can have Whateva ya likeeeee lol!

Here is the new T.I really feeling the song and video real good look T.i (P.S did yall notice Regan Gomez Preston from Parent Hood……. ????)

Good Ol Days 🙂


Would jus make my summer complete..

Self Explanatory…..


SOOO its Been Awhile…I Guess???


SOOO i know its been awhle since ive been Blogging ive just been soo busy with school,basketball and other things of that sort. But i woke this morning and iwas “You Know What imma blog today” sooo here we are. 

With that being said:

On monday it was my bday and honetly it was a total DISATER..  ok ok it was not all that but it sucked.  While i was younger people always told me as you get older your birthday becomes less significant , and now it was so real to me. I had no cake, family was not here to be with me , i tried to go to cmonwealth to shop and they closed by the time i got there, they had closed at 8 and i was 30sec away and it was 8:01 and they told me they closed  …What a Blower 😦 . So that was a real SUCKY DAY! . But honestly my Highlight of the weekend is when my girlfriend came down from school to be with me which i thought which was  really nice  cause she was the highlight of the weekend.          

And this is what she got me:

Now who Doesnt Love Ernie!!!

Now who Doesnt Love Ernie!!!


Kanye West Book 🙂

                I FOund the Most funniest video on youtube and it was toooo funny check it out:

What i did today

Well my day was good went to the car wash today to wash my car cause it needed plus ” someone”  was saying that the car smelled…sooooooooo i def had to go and do it lol. but beside that it was filled with alot of drinking (slurpee, Arizona, smoothies etc) cause it was baking outside today.  Also i hace to say yesterday after seeing Dark night it was AMAZING to me it was the best marvel movie yet..AND YES I MEAN YET!! but back to today also i tried the new starburst “gummi burst and it was pretty good i must add then i ended off the night watching brown sugar with the caryll which is always great cause that to me is a perfect evening:).

It was worth it!!!!

It was worth it!!!!


me and the juice!!!

me and the juice!!!



Lately i been pretty busy and dont really have time to blog and what not but i can make up for it!!!

Here is nas new video off of untitled  “Hero”. I have to admit that this is a good look for nas considering that alot well a few i should say are not really not that great *cough cough* Oochie wally wally(shakes head in an apathetic way 😦 but anyway its a great video and a good look for Nasir. Cd is a must cop on july 15 🙂


New Cool Kids!!!

Well they recently droped their first official cd Bake sale and today they released their new mixtape of 08 Thats Stupid Mixtape and here is there first single Dinner Time.

For Song go to link http://www.zshare.net/audio/1442002620c93293/


Naledge Freestyle!!<<<<<<<<Yea the guy from Kidz in The Hall.

He Rhyming over Black Mags, Santana Town, Run, And of Course I Gotcha!


Happy Birthday Kiddo!!!

Today was my girlfriend Caryll Jones Birthday. When i think about today was pretty fun besides the fact that i forgot my wallet at home but today was a good day 🙂  ( CPK PIZZA IS TOO GOOD!!!! ISNT IT???? 🙂


SO im Guessing its official!!

SO earlier last week i was  raving and ranting about who the Chicago bulls should pick since they have the overall number 1 pick in  the draft. I have been a bulls fan forever and honestly even though i had doubts about him i think we have a winner and i honestly think with our new edition to the team Derrick Rose will put the team on his back with some help from Captain Kirk we will be alright.


But dont get me wrong i figured Having beasley on the team would help a whole more figuring he would play the 3 but hey who knows we will just have to wait till Summer league …BUT WHOS READY FOR THE OLYMPICS!!!! YEAAAA<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THATS THE SARCASTIC VOICE!!!


July 2024